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to oot
长统靴  detail>>
 短语和例子   scaling 2    n.  1.起皮;去锈。 2.结成水...  detail>>
ms oot mean sqae
均方根值,有效值  detail>>
oot object oriented technology
面向对象的技术  detail>>
oot object oriented tutor
面向对象的诱导  detail>>
pull a long face oot
愁眉苦脸  detail>>
absolute scaling
绝对量表法  detail>>
aliquot scaling
共振调音  detail>>
analog scaling
定模拟比例因子 模拟定标 模拟刻度  detail>>
analogue scaling
模拟定标  detail>>
auto scaling
自动调整大小  detail>>
automatic scaling
自动换挡  detail>>
axis scaling
轴向比率  detail>>
bacteremia in scaling
洁牙时的菌血症  detail>>
bjorken scaling
比约肯标度无关性  detail>>
centering and scaling
中心化和定标  detail>>
cumulative scaling
累积量表法  detail>>